Substance Misuse Reports

Scope of Substance Misuse in Knox County

The scope of substance misuse is broad and far-reaching. To explain such a complex and nuanced issue, it is important to review the full spectrum. We must begin with upstream causes, such as childhood trauma, and then move into the behaviors and factors that can lead to substance use disorders. Finally, we must review the devastating individual impacts, deaths, community outcomes, and economics costs to inform potential strategies and interventions. A summary of the scope of this epidemic can be found in the All4Knox Strategic Plan Roadmap.

Several government agencies and healthcare providers regularly share data to help our community better understand the substance misuse epidemic.


All4Knox is a joint effort of Knox County and the City of Knoxville with facilitation and coordination support from Metro Drug Coalition, the Knox County District Attorney General’s Office and Knox County Health Department. Our hope is to bring together our governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, faith-based communities and many others in a coordinated fashion to address the substance misuse epidemic.